Wednesday, 21 March 2012

A Decent Man !

Happiness comes in small packages that don't last very long. The more we want to open these tiny rainbow colored boxes with wings, the more they fly away from us. Pleasure is a virtue understood only those who have witnessed misery. So, it didn't surprise me when that shabby looking brown boy knocked on my door with a fatally infectious smile on his face, smelling of perfume and ciggies and with pants fighting gravity to stay on his waist.
I was a rickety collection of messily arranged broken body organs. A person as bitter as poison, as sour as chemical. I'd been attacked by emotions that didn't seem to like me much, this battlefield of a heart had cried out blood on so many lost battles. But that was the day before I found 'A Decent Man' in this world where chivalry or even humanity seemed to be endangered.
He was self centered, self obsessed and completely random, but he made me laugh against all odds. He was my first friend in a foreign land. What started off as a sheer requirement of knowing people to kill time, turned into something a lot more. The semester had just kicked off, we barely had load on our heads. With nothing better to do, and no one else to look forward to we started watching a new movie everyday. Bollywood worked some magic and not talking to each other didn't seem like an option anymore.
He made me ponder why being in love with yourself is frowned upon.  I saw my flaws in a new light, realized whats life without cuts and bruises? I was something different, familiar, but different. I was me. He made me rise from the vacuum  of self-loathe and masochism into a ventilated plot of self-worth and positivism. He reintroduced Aakriti Sahdev to Aakriti Sahdev.
Before I knew, I was dancing all around the uni and yelling on the streets just like I always used to. I had found a friend, someone who was nothing to me, a nobody in this life till a month ago. Was he my new best friend? No, It was too soon to call him that. So was it a crush? Could be, I did see myself being dragged towards his hall of residence. But was it love? Hell no, it couldn't be, that was the biggest lesson my past had taught me. So what was it? I soon got the answer to that, it was trust. Faith in someone I'd just met. Seemed weird, felt weirder. But yes I had started trusting a complete stranger, or rather his goodness. Maybe because I hadn't been endowed with it before or maybe because it was so genuinely present in those eyes.
I invited over a few harsh realities on myself but with him next to me they seemed like a game of snakes and ladder. We climbed up and then fell down to climb up again. Cultures clashed, but to release a spectacular spectrum. Issues rose but only to subside in gushes of laughter. Faces from the past entered and exited all the time, but only to leave a taste of lemon on sugar.
I set some new rules, bid adieu to the old ones and with them went away the ghosts of my past life. I was rejuvenated. I was carefree because I knew he'd take care, I took the liberty of being reckless because he took over the thinking task, but I was stupid because I'd fiddled with destiny.
Destiny. Its the ugly aspect of every beautiful truth in the world. We can't chase it away, we can't run away from it and we can't ignore it for too long. It was planned, we were placed in two different worlds and united  in the United Kingdom. Logic and Love can't go hand in hand, they both take turns to dominate the journey of life. When love gets heavy, logic subsides and when logic takes an upper hand, love ceases to be the underdog.
Sooner than later, doubt crawled into the cracked walls of a relationship unaided by countries , histories and
 understanding. Friendship took a back seat and all I remember ever since is quarrels and tiffs and wondering where the good times disappeared? Honestly, I think the thoughts were mutual. He was as desperate to get back to where we started from as I was. But who has ever rolled back time?
We got so busy wanting to get back to where we started from, we soon forgot to make memories today for tomorrow. Not knowing we might have missed this day in future as much as we missed our past in present.
Arguing, laying allegations, advocating ourselves , we reached a place where even though our eyes were always in quest for each other and our arms always wanted to be locked, our brains just wouldn't stop working.
and so, today, we decided to call it quits or rather, to go 'On a Break' which basically means 'It's Over'.
It was the most beautiful and delicate gift I'd received in a long long time but it couldn't withstand the ghastly behavior of this world that's ceased mankind.
But I bare in my heart a few beautiful memories, that I shall nourish with tears and smiles every time they cross my mind. Memories of the times I spent with him, in his arms, watching Bollywood flicks, fighting with him, loving him. Memories of  'A Decent Man'.


  1. You know what's best about your writing? You're so honest, it's startling. All your metaphors and similes, all the pretty words, they don't sound forced or positioned into place. They merely exist as if that was exactly how you saw things.
    It's refreshing :)
